Overview Sessions Drop-Ins Locations Private Classes Request Your Private Class Back to Private Classes Organizer InformationOrganizer First Name* Organizer Last Name* Please note that the Organizer will be the sole point of contact with our office.Organization you are affiliated with e.g. Daycare, School, etc.Organizer Email* Organizer Contact Number*Your Child’s Name and Birthdate You can skip the section if you do not have a child who will be a participant in the class.Post Custom FieldChild First NameChild Last NameChild Birthdate How many children will be in attendance?How many children will be in attendance? *There is no minimum or maximum number of children, but more than 12 kids is not recommendedAddress of Classes *Address* Street Address Address Line 2 City Province Postal Code Class InformationHow many weeks of class would you like to book?* 6 Weeks 8 Weeks 10 Weeks 12 Weeks When would you like your session to start?* DD dash MM dash YYYY What is your preferred day?*SundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturdayWhat is your preferred time for the classes?*Either worksMorningAfternoonAre you flexible on your date or time of day?* Yes No Do you have a preferred instructor?Leave blank if no preferenceJohnKieranRoryTaylor*MRM reserves the right to change the teacher if necessary (e.g. Due to illness, schedule problems, etc.)Any additional info you’d like to include or questions you have:PhoneThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.